Hello, Mr. Cooper...

Right off, I'm going to offer two differing interpretations of the lyrical "message" that I believe you were offering to your audience in your song. The first idea is that you are describing your new-found ability to accept and love yourself as you are. The second thought is that you were telling the story of how you met a person who demonstrated to you that they could "love" you strictly and only as you are, without putting pressure on you to become the person that they want you to to be.

Regardless of which view is correct, your song, "For the Last Time", is a deeply moving and revelatory thing because it seems to have to do with a problem that I think all of us human beings -- male and female -- struggle to resolve everyday, every minute, every second of our lives: who are we? What are we supposed to be doing with ourselves, and most importantly, how in the world do we get the love we absolutely, positively want and need to be confident that we matter to others, to our parents, our siblings, our relatives, our lovers, without doing things to get it that damage us emotionally and spiritually?

Musically speaking, your Real Track choices summon an intropective feeling that is neither sad, or casually upbeat. It is calming in texture and tone, as it creates and maintains an atmosphere of placid self-reflection that leads to inner discovery:

For the very first time in my life
Everything is clearing in my world...

And, this:

I've finally found the strength to take my part
From the start with all my heart...

You even describe the interior sensation of coming into your new self-awareness as being analogous to perceiving the cosmic order of the universe:

At last the stars are starting to align... That's just an incredibly exhuberant insight, almost like being born again, and being fully aware of it.

Regardless of how close I may come to divining the thoughts that led you to compose the song, just know that it inspired me to pay closer attention to the women in my life, in my family, my female siblings, and lovers past and present, so that I may "see" them as clearly, and as affirmatively, as you appear to "see" yourself, through the experience of listening to "For the Last Time".


LOREN (a.k.a. "bluage")

Last edited by bluage; 01/02/19 10:52 AM.

"Music is what feelings sound like."-- borrowed from a Cakewalk Music Creator forum member, "Mamabear".