
"The Only Way Is Down" sounds like the kind of song that could cause someone to call a suicide prevention hotline! As "Robertkc" noted, "a bad day, indeed".

I am constantly amazed at how many variations of failed romantic relationships there have been in songs. You would think that after thousands of years of songwriters pining away about unrequited love and wounded hearts that we'd just run out of ideas. But then comes Leon, re-imagining the downside of love relationships as though it had happened to him for the first time:

"Woke up from a dream
Tried to figure out what it might mean
Pretty soon it slipped away
It’s what they do in the light of day..."

"Sunshine seems like a mockery..."

"While I was drowning in your eyes..."

This song is an unassailable, bedrock-strong example of why words and music "go together" so fantastically well, just by using a little lyrical imagination to dress all-to-familiar emotions in new, attractive clothing that causes us to look, again, at what we thought we'd seen and understood already.

"PeterF", you sing like a man who's been walking alone, all night long, trying to understand what in the hell went wrong. I'm glad to see you branching out, vocally speaking.

The RealTracks maintain an air of despair that matches that of the lyrics. The song is downbeat, all right, but still supremely listenable because of the new pair of eyes the lyrics give us, to "see".


"Music is what feelings sound like."-- borrowed from a Cakewalk Music Creator forum member, "Mamabear".