Will do later, PM to you possible? Reason it's a song i am in the process of putting together, and not yet fully registered.

Not that i dont trust you LoL, but a friend and I had material stolen before from within the offices of the Dutch royalty collection office, BUMA/Stemra. Their lawyers were alas too powerful for us protecting their own boss, and an external lawyer was helpful but too expensive.

Good story: the 'stolen' song was even promoted on commercial radio here, paid for by a 'suspicious' music mob (hearsay: drugs too) related studio in Tilburg we found out, never proven though. We got help however later with a boycott by some then known DJs ourselves. Also reason why i am with the Belgian SABAM since the eighties. Alas we never got it released properly later, as the lyricist, living here, but from Canada BTW, pulled it all his material back sick of this business with BUMA. He was even on TV with his anti BUMA campagne ...