Update. I tried this same exact procedure in both Cakewalk by bandlab and Reaper

Cakewalk not only did not have midi but would not even drag a track to the tracks view.

Reaper acted just like Studio one in the above first test. It would drag over but contained no midi data.

So in studio one I had no drums, no organ, but I did have piano, bass, and guitar

Before you ask I did use VSTi instruments for each track. there is just no data in those two tracks.

Lenovo Win 10 16 gig ram, Mac mini with 16 gig of ram, BiaB 2022, Realband, Harrison Mixbus 32c version 9.1324, Melodyne 5 editor, Presonus Audiobox 1818VSL, Presonus control app, Komplete 49 key controller.