I didn't read about the "radio" so am rather late to the party.
I use a mix of BIAB and real instruments/fx/people.
I most commonly use BIAB Real Drum which are so good that, on occasion, a pro drummer I collaborate with happily plays guitar over them for me rather than track his own drums. These few tracks all use BIAB drums, some have BIAB organ and the solo in one is BIAB slide guitar.
fast ROCK https://soundcloud.com/rayc/mst-circus-city-sewer-pygmy-beat-extended-feat-anthony-andrulonis-eric-drabwell
80s POSTPUNK https://soundcloud.com/rayc/mst-construction-paper-heart-pygmy-beat
PSYCHFOLK https://soundcloud.com/rayc/silent-waltz-pygmy-beat-expanded-featuring-miriam-webb
ROCK https://soundcloud.com/rayc/leave-the-bed-untried-pygmy-beat-extended
PSYCHFOLK https://soundcloud.com/rayc/sandpaper-castles-1811-pygmy-beat-extended-w-miriam-webb
ROCK https://soundcloud.com/rayc/heart-shaped-bruise-pygmy-beat-extended-ft-trudy-newell

"What's so funny about peace, love & understanding?" - N.Lowe