Originally Posted By: Sergio Guarneri
Really nice song. very well sung. Pleasant listen.

Thanks, Sergio...

Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
Blueage said it so well "Your vocal track has you sounding like a gentle troubadour wandering the hills and valleys, roads and sidewalks of this country, guitar in hand, crooning your song of peace and freedom..."

Positive with many rays of hope!

We enjoyed it...

Speaking of hope...
Hope you noticed I "photoshopped" that inserted moldy green fence between the viewer & the Statue of Liberty...
Where is my tongue in cheek political icon wink...
Thanks for your kind compliments!

Originally Posted By: Ezekiel's Storm
What a pleasing melody you have created! Your vocal is spot on. I like the folksy feel of this. Nice work.

Thanks, Scott, I happy you enjoyed it.
