There is an issue in RB 2019 Build 1 and 2 in which there is part of an extra bar drawn which makes the scrolling look incorrect (like it's behaving strangely). That particular issue did not exist in 2018. This was fixed in RB 2019 Build 3, and I'm not sure why Build 3 was not yet released. From what I'm seeing in Build 3 (not yet released), there are 2 remaining issues that need to be looked into: 1) the notation window showing 2 bars instead of 4, and 2) The timing cursor not being drawn on right side of screen after the scroll ahead to the next screen occurs (and before it gets to the end of the current screen), but the notes are still highlighted in red correctly on the right side of the screen in that situation.

Last edited by Jeff Yankauer; 01/29/19 02:02 PM.

Jeff Yankauer