Hey Matt,

200 Degrees?!?! I haven't seen those temps on a CPU's since Over Clocking my Opteron back in the day.... Jokes aside, certainly not a comfortable temperature to be running at.

What CPU Model is this? Are you Over Clocking at all? Are you running the stock heat sink, since you mentioned you're familiar, did you switch out for a third party one?

The Power Management option can vary depending on your default Windows, and manufacturer setting if you are running a prefab build. Typically, I run all my machines at 100%, without issue. Although I regularly boot up and boot down my system, and only run it when I am actively using it (Gotta save the rain forest somehow).

The power management setting has been a pretty great tool for fixing a lot of oddities in Windows, so I am curious to see what your experiences are, as this is the first time I am hearing these reports of odd things happening in this state. Will be following to hear of any other oddities caused by the Power Management Settings.

C-sharp when you cross the street… or you’re going to B-flat.

Mikke - PG Music