resubmitting this as it must have been "accidentally" deleted! laugh

Originally Posted By: sixchannel
Originally Posted By: GrammySeeker
- - - NO PRODUCT - - should be released "For Sale" until fully De-Bugged and 100% Functional. - - - -


GrammySeeker, if we all waited for that to happen in Life, we'd wait a LONG time.
Tell that to Ford. My NEW car (Dec 18) has been back 3 times to fix what I believe are "known" issues. Should I have waited until the car design had been "fully de-bugged and 100% functional" before buying? How many YEARS might that be?

Yeah, but I suspect your NEW car was functional for the basic things a car does on the day you purchased it, right? For many users this VST was non-functional the day it was released. Error messages and crashes. Advertised features such as multiriff not functioning at all. Long process (Dec. 1 to present and still on-going) of users identifying the problems so PGM can fix them. I'd say Pipeline's description of this as an "open beta test" is spot on!

I don't think it helps to pretend that this was just your average, industry-standard, buggy software release! Or that because they didn't raise the price, a significant new feature delivered broken is somehow OK. PGM customers are smarter than that. And newer, younger customers are def not likely to accept such subterfuge.

But with that all said, I strongly agree with Pipeline's assessment that this new VST feature is worth waiting for and worth participating in the open beta test process to help PGM fix and improve it. The VST has already improved my workflow by allowing me to use the stand-alone as a multiriff generator so I never need Realband now!

In my view PGM is an innovative company that cares about its products and its users. The staff is always courteous and knowledgeable. They deliver amazing products. They have the potential to reach even greater heights. I believe they need to improve the beta and release process in order to ensure they don't lose new customers after they gain them.