Originally Posted By: Pipeline
Not sure where you mean, piano roll ?, can you give me a step by step. I'm just using Tyven-tyven-skal-du-hete-Enak.xml
Ok, I open a XML file.. It has 5 tracks, all marked with blue by default, and says; Destination track 5, Melody.. I unchecked the "Load all tracks to melody.. Then I go to track 2, rightclick on it and select destination track Soloist, then follow by selecting Bass, drums and Guitar for the rest.. The result is a 2 bar song.. U can try it whit a score that has more then 2 tracks from here;

Originally Posted By: Pipeline

You can save the chord sheet to video but only with bar based lyrics, you could chroma key the notation video, not sure if you can change the lyrics and chord color so you would chroma key the black out and you would have a bouncing red notation dot above the lyrics. Not sure if there's a setting to scroll up ?
Me neither...;)

Originally Posted By: Pipeline
I will go and give it some thought and get back to you with any ideas.
Thank's a lot Pipeline, for always be so helpful..

Forever Grateful, BUT, sometimes pissed of. wink
Trygve "Leo" Larsen
BiaB 2020, Windows 8.1, Intel Core i5 CPU, 270GHz, 32 Gb RAM
My OLD tracks on Soundcloud; https://soundcloud.com/trygve-larsen My NEW is unpublished
The Universe = Uni-verse ie one song.