I rarely post on the user showcase, so maybe I should keep my opinion to myself. But I have been on this forum long enough to see a lot of water flow under the bridge, a lot of conflicting opinions and the occasional clarifying ruling by PGMusic.

All of the "official rulings" I've ever seen have been quite permissive compared to the user suggestions leading up to the ruling.

If I had to describe in a nutshell all of the past official rulings, they'd all boil down to "Have fun, but don't do anything illegal"

The purpose of the user showcase, I believe, is in its name: SHOW us what you are doing with PGMusic products.

Some people are writing original songs, some are interpreting public domain works, some have purchase a license to make it legal for them to post a cover. The way I see it, if what you are doing is legal, its OK.