Hey ROG ...

Cool song with some late 60s vibes. Love that drivin' bass line. And the horns punctuate it perfectly.

I can relate to this. I came back from Vietnam with some money in my pocket. I passed repair shop a weeks or so after I got back and there was this 57 Chevy convertible. It was black with a white top. I asked the guy at the shop how much he wanted for it. He cringed and said "Well, they're gettin' a little pricey. I gotta have $400.00 for it." i whipped out my billfold and pulled out four one-hundred-dollar bills faster than the human eye could see. I no longer have but if I did, it would be worth about $60,000.00!

Anyway, that was one really cool listen. Loved everything about it. And yep, I had a love affair with mine, too! excellent work, ROG!


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