Originally Posted By: Planobilly
This all comes down to what you personally want to be involved in. Real or recorded, there is plenty of room for both.
I personally think the issue is less about electronic support than being dishonest about it use. I would prefer bands like U2 and the Stones to just say we are using backing tracks to get a better sound, get over it!! Cheers, Billy

In reading your comment above and contemplating this topic it seems to me now there's a point where a concert one spends good money to attend is actually a total performance as expected by the group or just a simulation of backing tracks?....or both?

Adding lots of colorful video for the big screens to distract from any backing track perception by the critical listeners?
I portend that trend (backing tracks) will become more mainstream if it isn't already.
I may be revealing my ignorance here.

But...I'm old and come from an antiquated perspective.
In the live venue...it'a all about the band's performance.
Hence, I may have a more hard line stance for my preference and what I'd spend money on.
A simulation in any aspect isn't one of them. smile

Is it "cheating"....to each their own take on it works for me.
Carry on....

Last edited by chulaivet1966; 03/04/19 07:05 PM.