Hi John,

Apologies for not reading your post as thoroughly as I should have. I didn't realise I was doubling up.

While the what I posted doesn't specifically state what the ~~ sign means, it explains it by way of example using _BALFRED.STY.

Here's my re-writing of the example with a bit more detail...

1. Make sure that "Allow Auto Realtracks Substitution..." is active in Realtrack Preferences and that the substitution hasn't been disabled in Song Settings.

2. Set BIAB's tempo to 85.

3. In Stylepicker, load the demo song for _BALFRED.

4. Regenerate the song. There should be a few single tildes present in the track names. These indicate that substitutions exist for these tracks should the tempo range exceed a preset value that's determined by the programming.

5. Note the name of the tracks (481, 487, 555).

6. Set the tempo to 100 and regenerate. The same tracks are still present and the same tildes are still present.

7. Now change the tempo to 120 and regenerate. The tracks have changed (768, 771, 938) with ~~ in front of the names now to show that substitutions have occurred.


Audiophile BIAB 2024