Thanks Larry, I do appreciate your suggestions and help.

Due to my lousy internet speeds out here in the country, I got my copy of ST4 on a supplied USB so I wouldn't have to download over 75Gb of data.

The version on my USB stick is 4.02.

I've tried installing the sounds to various folders. Currently I have ST3 and ST4 sounds in separate folders under an IK Multimedia directory on my non-SSD drive as follows:

D:\IK Multimedia\SampleTank 3 and D:\IK Multimedia\SampleTank 4

I have also tried to configure it as:

D:\SampleTank 3 and D:\SampleTank 4

Still no joy....

Strangely enough, If I point ST4 to D:\IK Multimedia (which is where I moved my ST3 sounds years ago), I can pick up not only my ST3 sounds, but also imported sounds from ST2, ST2XL, eSoundsz Piano Collection, eSoundz Vocal Collection, and Omnisynth. All from previous installs.

I do have a question. I've noticed that on my install of the sounds over on the hard drive, the ST3 sounds are split between 2 folders: D:\IK Multimedia\Instruments and D:\IK Multimedia\Patterns. When I install the ST4 sounds, it places those two files together in a folder called SampleTank 4 (D:\IK Multimedia\Sampletank 4).

Is yours set up this way?


Win11, Intel i7 7700K 4.2Ghz, 32Gb RAM, 2x1Tb HD, 500Gb NVMe, BIAB/RB 2024, MOTU 828MK3 audio, MOTU Midi Express, Yamaha Montage 7, DX7II, TX802, Motif XS Rack, Roland Fantom XR Rack, Oberheim Matrix 1000, VoiceLive3 Extreme, Kontakt 6, SampleTank 4.3