A couple more frustrations that I have experienced with entering lyrics mainly into the bass clef, although I did try switching to treble clef and there was no improvement.

The tune I was working on was "Cheatin' Heart (Your)" by Hank Williams Snr. If you know the tune, you will be aware that there is an anacrusis which has the words "Your Cheatin'". Well, using the normal lyric entry from the menu 'Edit', 'Lyrics', 'Enter lyrics at current bar'; you only get as far as the fourth letter in "Your", which is of course 'r'. The program pops up a box with the message "Select a clef to insert a hard rest". I could not get around this message in any way.

The second problem I have encountered recently is an inability to enter a new note over the top of your last note, which is the same. You have to put in a rest and then your note, or put your note on the wrong ledger line and slide it into place. This makes lyric entry slow and frustrating. Particularly when I have always said that the Band-in-a-Box note entry method is the best and fastest program because you do not have to select note lengths from a menu. I stress, it only happens when the note you are trying to enter is the same as the one preceding.

Last edited by Graham Martin; 03/15/19 03:05 PM.

Grah Jive Talk
"Don't worry baby, they'll swing their arses off."