Yes... I've heard about problems some folks are having with the plugin.

But I bought the update anyway. Not just for the plugin... I figured that it was about time that I do another upgrade. If and when they work out all the problems that the plugin has, I can always download the patch.

I know that the version I'm using is limited as far as all the stuff I'm missing out on by not opting for the bigger, more expensive packs. But truth be told, what I have with the smaller pack is more than enough for the kind of stuff I'm doing. I really can't see the point of putting out so much money for hundreds of styles that I will never use.

BTW... I did have a chance to give the plugin a test run. The first time I tried ended in failure. Then I decided to go back and watch the instruction video again. After doing this I'm pleased to announce that it worked exactly as advertised.

I am having a blast listening to all the new styles. I'm actually thinking that I'm gonna look into getting a couple of "Style" packs. I think I saw that they were about $50.00 or so. I do a lot of country music so I believe that it would be nice to have a lot more country styles.
