Jim - I was afraid of that. Thank you for clearing up my confusion and for putting me on the track to a better solution. I’ll start with the Sforzando and Synth programs. Will need to figure out how to use them and do that. If I may, I’d like to leave a couple more questions. Does BiaB import the transcription from MuseScore note for note and part for part in the BiaB transcription, instead of leaving it as a 5 or 6-note chord on a single treble clef note stem? If so, is there a step by step set of import instructions that I can follow?

By the way, even without the full transcription, BiaB has been GREAT for transcribing/creating chord accompaniments by which to practice the Sher Real Easy tunes, and to set up repeats, solos and shout segments to solo against.

Jim, thanks again, for this and all the useful contributions I’ve seen throughout the forum.

Best, Jon (jonnyhubcap)
