Here's what I have done:

The real track Dire 140 soloist generated a solo that was a bit too busy in parts. Kinda like Knopfler hopped up. The soloist is also at 140 bpm, while the song is 120 bpm.

So I took the solo into Melodyne and changed the formant of the solo (the formant is the male/female gender tone). I brought it up to varying degrees on different notes, giving the guitar a little more sparkle to adjust the difference in the bpm.

I then found the busiest parts of the solo and cut the superfluous notes. Next I lenthened a few notes to make the soloist sound a little more real.

Finally, I ran the guitar through the TL64 Tube Amp in Sonar 8.5, along with some EQ and reverb to make the solo licks pop a bit more out of the mix.

I did nothing to the slide.

I think the Dire soloist sounds a bit more polished now.


If it has four legs and MIGHT be Mr Moohead.