Hi all

I sent in a support ticket a week ago but didn't get a reply, perhaps
it got lost so I will post my problem here.

I have biab 2015. Whichever computer I use, (one is windows 7 other is windows 10 ) I click "Play Jukebox" It opens a window and I choose my tune collection file from the directory. I click "play jukebox" and another window opens to choose soloist, usually it's fiddle.

I just click okay and it goes to the main screen. It generates random tune in my collection and plays it properly.

After the tune is over, it generates another random tune and starts playing it but there is no sound. It keeps playing until the end and generates another tune which plays but no sound

The first tune played properly but the second and the rest are mute.
It has worked properly for years, but something much have changed recently, perhaps in the directory.

Does anybody have a fix for this?
