Originally Posted By: Pipeline
You can do the same with 2 instances of the plugin in Tracktion.
You would need to import the xml to Biab and save as SGU then in the plugin open the SGU.

Wow, that's very interesting! Thanks, pipeline! Normally, when I import my .WAV file that I saved from BiaB, it just takes up one track. But as I ponder this, am I correct in thinking that the plugin will import each instrument from BiaB onto its own track? If so, I suspect that each instrument would be in its own rectangular box graphic that can be easily moved around and adjusted exactly like the .WAV file can be. I'll definitely watch the video and figure out how to do this. It could be a much better workaround than my original Traction workaround---especially until this bug gets fixed in RB (if that ever happens, of course).

Tom Levan (pronounced La-VAN)
BiaB 2024 Win UltraPAK Build 1109, Xtra Style PAKs 1-11, RB 2024, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, Intel Q9650 3 GHz, 16 GB RAM, 500 GB SSD & 2 TB HDD, Tracktion 6 & 7 (freebies), Cakewalk, Audacity, MuseScore 2.1 & 3.4, Synthesizer V