Hi Ember, Janice, Joe, Tangmo, Misha, Bob, Bud, Floyd, Dave and Jim,

Thanks for your effort listening and responding substantively to this song. I cherish your nice compliments, suggestions and critics.
But at first I must say I was wrong with the words 'live' and 'life'. It's Dave who told me so in the politest way possible (!).
I will also change the line he mentioned in a new version of the song. This will take some days.

At this moment I am very proud to read Bob heard John Lennons'influence somewhere in my voice! But more so because you all mentioned the vocals were ok. It must be that new mike and the delay (?).

Misha, it was meant to have extremes in the song (the mandolin vs the beat/ electronic instruments). In the new version I will look what kind of FX I can use to bridge acoustic and electric more. but I liked the pure sound of that mandolin. Makes it so vulnerable. I had more doubts with the 2 kinds of beat I used; the drums and that keyboardsound.

Thanks for all your compliments about the lyrics. At first I wanted to have some jokes in it, but that wasn't a very good idea. The subject was too serious. I couldn't resist leaving one joke about that 'falling in love that sometimes happen'.

Finaly, I was surprised Janice, Bud, and Floyd (I presume) tested the song 'to the crank'. I wouldn't dare doing this in my place. I would be sleeping on the couch, I'm afraid. But I got impressions with a lot of wine coming along. Am I right?

We'll speak again...

Hans Berkhout