If you're referring to chord entry, check out the "Breaks - Rests, Shots, and Held Chords" topic within our manual, which covers:
Selecting BREAKS for different instruments:
You can specify that some instruments not be affected by the rhythm break.
The coded names for the instruments are:
B for Bass, D for Drums, P for Piano, G for Guitar, and S for Strings.
To type a rest for all instruments on a C chord type C.
To exempt instruments, add their letters following the break. For example, C.bd will put a rest on all instruments EXCEPT the bass and drums.
To indicate a held chord for all instruments except the piano, type C...p

And, according to Chapter 5 of our manual: during playback, the following shortcuts within the Conductor feature have Mute results:
F5 ALL Mute/Unmute (Alt-2)
F#5 Bass Mute/Unmute (Alt-3)
G5 Piano Mute/Unmute (Alt-4)
G#5 Drums/Unmute (Alt-5)
A5 Guitar Mute/Unmute (Alt-6)
Bb5 Strings Mute/Unmute (Alt-7)
B5 Melody/Unmute (Alt-8)
C6 Soloist Mute/Unmute (Alt-9)
Db6 THRU Mute/Unmute (Alt-0)
D6 Audio Mute


If it's the entire song you want the instrument muted for, the M button in the Mixer window will do the trick. smile

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