
Welcome to the forum and to Band-in-a-Box. If you type a "F" in the chord sheet the instruments playback a "F". If you type a "F7" in the chord sheet the instruments playback a "F7". If you want some of the instruments to playback a "F" and other instruments to playback a "F7" then you will need to type in both chords and use the freeze button.

Lets say you want the piano to play "F" and the strings to play "F7" at the same time. Type "F in the chord sheet, regenerate the tracks so the piano and strings play "F".

Press the snowflake button on the piano track and the piano track snowflake color changes from gray to blue to indicate the button is engaged and the piano track is frozen. When a track is frozen the track quits responding to the chord sheet and plays back audio from memory. So now the piano will always play "F" at that bar and beat unless the snowflake button is disabled. Then the snowflake turns to gray and the track is unfrozen and returns to normal.

Change the chord sheet to "F7" and regenerate. The frozen piano track continues to play "F" but the unfrozen strings track plays "F7". Press the strings track snowflake and the strings track is frozen.

Now one track plays "F" while the other plays "F7".

Freezing tracks and reworking the chord sheet are two good tools you can use together to help arrange your song.

Jim Fogle - 2024 BiaB (1111) RB (5) Ultra+ PAK
DAWs: Cakewalk by BandLab (CbB) - Standalone: Zoom MRS-8
Laptop: i3 Win 10, 8GB ram 500GB HDD
Desktop: i7 Win 11, 12GB ram 256GB SSD, 4 TB HDD
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