hi guys yes I did not see that either the only thing that comes to mind is earlier there was a program that I could not run around that time I tried compatible mode never could get it running anyway I may have tried to run check compatibly mode and real band and hit the wrong selection that said I have re installed real band recently still have the error know biab works fine in mme delta oh and I went from wins 7 to wins 10 upgrade and my mouse is not scolling well for some reason eric

AMD (TM) 5950 4.9 GHz 16Core Processor 64 bit 32 bits of ram windows 10 pro 64 bit os. sound card Antelope ZenQ guitars Ibanez 2202a 1968 les Paul Custom and Cavin ae 185 Guitar boss Gt-100,GT1000 pedal Yamaha HS8 studio monitors