Ok...I don't think you're supposed to smile as I just did during a blues song. I just REALLY liked it. There was SO much I didn't see coming. It was a combination of what was being done AND how it was executed. Fantastic!

The lead and backing vox were sa-weet!

Those guitars I were to die for! Tasty! My goodness, those tones! Sersiouly, those tones! I could listen all day!

The bass sounded awesome AND I think Bud maybe hinted at a line for a song...something about "dust so thick I could write my name in it." The man has a brilliant way with words. (Even when argueing that very statement, his phrases and word choice are spectacular ;))

Dobro, Slide, Lead guitar...I wish I had THAT sound!

I could hear Bud's influence on this. That's a good thing. A VERY good thing.

I expected A LOT seeing the names involved. Even with high expectations; I was blown away.

Really nice job!

Off to smile some more. smile

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.