Amanda Palmer's approach is NOT what ruined the music industry! Rather, she is an example of a smart and talented person figuring out a way to thrive within the new music industry. Same thing with Notes Norton; he has figured out a way to thrive even though I'm sure the gigs are much fewer and further between than they were 30 years ago.

Two things killed the music industry, 1) technology (digital copying, the internet with file sharing, etc.) and 2) the explosion of options competing for the attention of your former paying customers! We have the entire internet with every song ever recorded. We have every newspaper and book. We have online forums and communities and social media. We have smartphones and Kindles. We have almost unlimited channels on the TV and a library of every movie & TV show ever made.

People have so many options that, not only will they not buy your new album, they won't even listen to it if you give it away!

Amanda Palmer is a shining example of a brilliant person who has figured out a way to continue to make money in this vanishing industry. And I applaud her!