Originally Posted By: Deej56
What’s meant by a “dry” vocal?

a raw vocal track is the track without effects - no reverb, no chorusing, no delay, no EQ but mainly no REVERB - "wet" is the common parlance for lots of reverb & "dry" the opposite - no reverb/delay & preferably with no "room" in the sound either.
Matching reverbs - or using the same reverb but at different levels - places the "band" & singer in the same room.
There's fair bit of the "room" in your vocal - the reflection of sounds in that built environment. MANY, many singer prefer to track with reverb on their voice, (in the monitoring loop but not "to tape"), as it feels/sounds "warmer" etc. and if it makes them comfy that's means a better take. Then ITB or through the hardware matched reverb, (though sometimes different ones are used like 80s snare tracks demonstrate), can be used on snare, OHs, guitar bus and vocal bus.

"What's so funny about peace, love & understanding?" - N.Lowe