Originally Posted By: Lucm
[quote=Roger Brown]I appreciate all the points of view, even the harsh ones.

I've read all responses here and I don't find one of them to be remotely 'harsh' at all.
I find all responses benign and merely being candid with respect to the title of your forum topic.
I tend to think if one actually solicits opinions of their their material on dedicated 'music critique' forums one's perceived definition of 'harsh' will certainly change. smile
Having a thick skin is something we all need to maintain in this context.

We're all adults here....all contributors have expressed their views based on their experiences and perceptions.
Even one who's been on the inside of the current industry and is familiar with the changes in the industry over the decades and protocols necessary that one must understand when pursuing a musical path to actually succeed and make money at any level.

As stated in my previous post....I wish you and all others the best of luck/success in their song writing endeavors.
Even myself smile which isn't likely to happen if I had two lifetimes because I don't write for mainstream appeal.
I write from the gut, try to tell a story with some lyrical continuity and convincing imagery....that's it.
Whether I succeed is up to the listeners....not me.

Just a thought....
Do you have a website with your original material that we may listen to?

Carry on....

Last edited by chulaivet1966; 09/03/19 01:57 PM.