David, Tangmo, Greg, TuneMonger, Stefan, J&B, Robert, Noel, and Ezekiel:

Thrilled you like what you heard and my utmost thanks for giving this a listen and taking the time to comment. It has some shortcomings production wise, but glad the soul of it came through.

Greg and Stefan: Yeah, it’s too “hot “. . . and that even after I tried to “cool” it down a bit. I’m going to do a complete remix of this song, starting from scratch and see if I can dial it down a bit. I’m starting to spend some more time on YouTube learning how to mix—most of it goes over my head . . . but I’m determined to get better. Stay patient with me . . .

J&B and Noel . . . you all are just so enthusiastically supportive . . . and every ounce of it is so much appreciated.

My best to you each and all,
