Thank you, Bob, for you're well drawn out disk on people just joining the Form. I am 55 years old and have been recording for 30 years as well as building computers both MAC and Windows-based. I hold a Degree in computer science. If you truly understand anything about the makeup of BIAB you would understand that the majority of the GUI interface is the same but the coding on the back is a little different. I am doing my own tare down of the 64bit system to see where the issue is a difference between the 32bit framework which still seems to work when using the Chord Wizard.

As for the Forum if you go to the top of the page and just type in your question it goes to the first logical similar subject topic. If it gave you a pull-down to separate between Mac OS and Window based operating systems I would have chosen that. And avoid you altogether.

I am so glad I spent 23 years in the military protecting your right to troll a conversation and point out the obvious.

Thank you but you were no help.
Have a Nice day.