The EnergyXT ReWireVST works perfect with RealBand as a Rewire master.
If I ReWire to Reaper I save all the editing in Reaper as a project this can then be opened in the Reaper standalone.
Same with Biab any editing in Biab will be save as SGU and in Reaper RPP whether you are using the EnergyXT ReWireVST and Biab as the Rewire master and Reaper as the Rewire slave or if Rewire is implemented in Biab and it is used as a Rewire slave.
Propellerhead's Reason has ReWire as well as a Reason Plugin version now (wonder where they got that idea from ?).
The more workflow option you have the better.
JJJ came up with the idea of a BiabVST version years back and I just picked up on the idea and pushed PG a little with ideas how it maybe could be done, and here we are with a BBVST.
Same now I push for ReWire or get ReWireVST working in Biab just to give more work flow options.
Some user use Biab for Live sessions, some for practice, some for songwriting, some for production, some all of the above.
I don't say don't develop here or there but develop everywhere to cater for ALL users.
An awesome idea was VideoTrack's Tabs that now give us Ctrl+T Fullscreen or Compact mode with Tabs, Fullscreen for the long time users to leave it the same and Compact for newer modern users.