This is really beautiful. The melody and harmonies are great, Deej is his usual communicative self when he sings ... but, for me, to be 100% honest, the lyrics made this jump to an even higher level for me. They fit perfectly to the style of the music, yet they could easily also stand on their own. The turns of phrase are simply and purely great, there's no point into going into hyperbole about them because everyone will say I exaggerate (which I'm not doing), so I won't. That said, the whole production as a song is great - it's just that (on this first listen at least) the music acted so well as a conduit for the lyrics ... and that's what music is supposed to do, sometimes: facilitate the lyrics so that they come through "loud and clear" and communicate their meaning to us ... so well done to everyone involved ... Christian, Deej and, of course, BIAB ... the end result is wonderful and that's what matters to me. Great job.