My 2002 ThinkPad is finally dying frown

The CMOS battery died. I replaced it and it still doesn't remember time and date.

I can boot it up, it gives me the error code, I press F10, enter date and time and it finishes booting.

I remember a post a looooong time ago about buying refurbished computers at and someone mentioned a brand to choose and/or a brand to avoid.

Searching for NewEgg didn't do me any good because there are too many posts with that mentioned, and I haven't found the magic combination of search terms.

All it needs to do is sit on stage, display WordPad and Encore documents and if necessary play mp3 files. In other words, I don't need much of a computer.

So does anyone know what vendor(s) to get and/or what to vendor(s) avoid at NewEgg?

I definitely want ThinkPad, their reliability is awesome and on stage that "Eraser Head" (Track Point) works better for me than the glide thingy.


Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks