Hello Greg ...

This evening is the first opportunity I've had to spend more than a few minutes on the forum. And WOW!!!!!!!!!!

Latin Jazz is one of our very favorite genres and it rarely, if ever, sounds any better than this gorgeous song. Your voice reminds me of a butterfly drifting with a gentle breeze, carrying a sweet and wonderful message as it passes by. This is so cozy and warm. I am totally envious of your vocals and composition skills. I truly believe you have the truest and most pleasant voice of anyone on the forum. And that's not to slight any of the others as they are amazing too. But you have a special touch with your vocals.

Loved this so much. Wishing you & yours all the very best ...


PS: Do just stuck her head around the corner and said to tell you "Hi!"

BIAB 2024 Ultra Plus-all StylePaks*Win11*16GB DDR5*Rhyzen 9745x*AT 2035 Mic*Peavey Nashville 112 Amp*Ibanez ART120* Acoustic/Electric/Washburn D200S Acoustic*Stromberg Monterey Jazz Guitar

Loops: https://aldavidmusic.wixsite.com/bestmusicloops