Originally Posted By: Al-David
I think Di hit the proverbial nail on the head ... could have been the soundtrack in an early James Bond movie (when Sean Connery was still playing the part) when the setting was Spanish or Latin. That would have been really cool!

Alan & Di

Hello, again, 'Al' & Ms. Di smile...

You're the second party to make the comment about how the song would fit into a movie. That would be cool cool.

I saw Sean Connery bust a few dance moves behind the podium at a televised American Film Institute event honoring his life's achievements in film. I wonder if he could dance the bossa nova...??? If not, he could benefit by taking a few lessons from Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery, eh???

I sure do appreciate your well-considered comments, Al & Ms. Di !


- bluage -

"Music is what feelings sound like."-- borrowed from a Cakewalk Music Creator forum member, "Mamabear".