Mr. Young...

Well, sir, you sure don't Pro-crastinate on the productions you post to the User's Forum smile.

Your lyrics for the song are so clever and inspired that I'm waiting for a sequel! The dial tone at the end of your abruptly terminated phone call to George Strait's receptionist triggered a a giggle, a laugh, and then a guffaw that had been building up steam from the first verse.

The number of Real Tracks you employed qualifies as an orchestra! The mix is an experience in smooth sailin' sound engineering. At a social event, the song would prompt the patrons to get on their feet and do some fine 'n fancy line dancing!

'A' side, or 'B' side, this one's a grand slam laugh !!!

Thoroughly entertained and tickled,

- bluage -

"Music is what feelings sound like."-- borrowed from a Cakewalk Music Creator forum member, "Mamabear".