She should really pick one genre and stick to it. That is the ONLY way you can be successful in music.

Plus, if you don't conform to other people's expectations, how will you ever know who you are? The less there is of "you" in your songs; the more authentic they will be. It's like the old saying goes, "Be the best version of you that other's want you to be." Sound advice right there.

Seriously, the contrast between one girl and her instrument and the full blown production is pretty awesome. I honestly like both in different ways. The girl can write and perform. Plus she surrounds herself with people that help her carry out where she wants to least musically.

Thanks for posting. Fun listening all the way around for me.

Now I feel like writing about a bad relationship. cry mad confused grin cool

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.