Originally Posted By: Al-David
Janice, Bud, Peter & Floyd ...

Now, if that combination of exceptional talent can't write, produce and deliver a hit song, then it just can't be done any way I know of. There is so much talent in those four individuals ... it should almost be illegal (i'm glad it's not!).

Everyone before me has pretty much covered all the bases.We all know, already, the superior vocals by Janice, fabulous fretwork by Peter, vocal/lyric writing/delivery of Floyd ... but I think the contributions of Bud's knob-twisting deserve a little more spotlight at times. He is truly a magician at the control board. This is my analogy: I could have the engine, body parts, transmission and everything else needed to build the nicest luxury car in the history of the automotive industry ... but if I don't have a top-of-the-line mechanic to put it all together, it's just a pile of parts. I see Bud as a musical mechanic. You can throw anything at him, music wise, and he'll find a way to put it together like no one else. Excellent work, Bud!

The voices of Janice and Floyd, particularly when blended, is ear candy sweeter then just about any other I've encountered. My ears are still smiling!

And Peter certainly gives good reason for guitars to exist. He has the perfect touch and tone ... but knows when and where to slice and dice it.

Great stuff, folks.

Oh ... one other thing. I've written a couple of songs that opened with the chorus over the years and nearly got burned at the songwriter's stake for doing so. It's not something that works most of the time, but when it does ... it's the best.

Congrats to all involved. What a team and song! Wishing all of you the very best ...


Alan, we really are speechless...well nearly smile All we can say is that your time to write this and what you said is very, very meaningful to us. And hard to live up to. Thank you so much!