I bought Biab for Mac and installed it on my MacBook Pro, went ok, and I registerd it smirk .
I would like to have it on my main Mac as well. Learning is easyer with two larger screens.

Now I have two problems confused :

1. I tried to install it on my main Mac. The question where to install is skipped. I would like to have it on my external Thunderbolt-disk (USB2 is to slow), but I am not asked on which drive to install and there is not enough free space on my main disk. How can I activate that this question is not skipped?

2. The License Agreement says "can be used on a single machine". What about this post, "three installations"? Can I just go ahead and register it again (same Name, different machine)?

As a workaround I could desactivate it on my MacBook, but how?
Could I install it to a NAS-Volume in my local Network and use it with one of my three Computers at a time?

Thank you all for your replies! Regards form Sitzerland