(I think it is a permissions violation).

Are you running RB as an Administrator?

It sounds like your first couple problems may be permissions related to me also and this fixes a bunch of permission issues in one easy step.

Right-click your RB shortcut and 'Run as Administrator'.
If this fixes the problem, modify your shortcut Properties on the Compatibility tab to always run as admin (in the Privilege Level section)

Just noticed the part of the message that says you are running RB from F:\ and not your C:\ drive
Is this the external drive, or an internal drive that you copied RB to?
Copying an application to a new drive can inadvertently cause weird permissions issue .. so running as admin is even more applicable. see below image

If only these could be integrated into Ableton.

Have you tried the BiaB plugin for other DAWs? Or does it not work in Ableton ..

Attached Files (Click to download or enlarge) (Only available when you are logged in)
RB_Admin.jpg (74.32 KB, 121 downloads)
Last edited by rharv; 11/05/19 02:04 PM.

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome