Thanks, the Reaper trick could be quite useful when analysing the midi data.

Regarding the jazz thinking of the 60s etc.

Theoretically, it shouldn't make much of a difference thinking of chords as a series of odd numbers (chord based) or odd and even numbers (scale based):

Whether one thinks of a chord as 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 or as 1 9 3 11 5 13 7, the outcome would be the same, or not?
Perhaps by 'bringing the extensions down' into the scale, they would be more clearly defined, whereas when you played in the 60s they were less defined and more dependent on the soloist.

Which brings me back to BIAB, if I as a soloist want to play x notes, then it would be nice if BIAB could adapt to that (by me choosing it somehow).
Yes, I'll look into adding it to the wishlist.
And I'll experiment a bit more with muted melodies.