Pg Music has created many video's on how to learn to use Biab. Anything worth learning is going to seem complicated at first glance.

But PG has created an eco-system to teach all of us how to use their program.
Shouts out for the people who made the realtracks.

Under support video they have produced many videos that not only teach you how to use but share the history of how different evolutions of the program brought in new features. There are plenty of examples with the recorded demo's but the video's make this program easier to learn. For me I like directly being told how to do something that's why I really like Peter Gannon's own video's even though they are quite old. The features are still there and he puts together how to build songs.

You are also buying a history of music program. This program shares such a wide variety of Artist's and their genre's of music that it's like traveling across different musical lines and experiencing differences within a style. I know what to listen for in music because I have this program. It has taught me how to listen to music. There are so many choices in arranging and the variety changes and shifts to give you different ideas why a melodist style or soloist plays and arranges the way they do. Figuring out chords shouldn't be that hard unless the musical piece is faster than you can think. Which some definitely are. But it's still good to be exposed to.