Thanks for all the tips and helpful information everybody.

I hunted around in my software and computer cables box and found this.

BIAB 2011 EverythingPAK on a 2.5" hard drive!

I installed it last night.
It took more than an hour to install more than 40GB of data.

Fired up BIAB2011 a few minutes ago and voila!
My new song plays fine and all the styles were there.

Amazing that I didn't know I bought the fancy version then and never really learned how to use it.
That is also about the time I had 2 sons' playing travel baseball.

Now i'm installing Band-in-a-Box© and RealBand 2017 MegaPAK !

Then 2017_49pak
The 2018 Megapak

Should be in good shape after this