Originally Posted By: Greg Johnson
Sweet!! Fun!! Sentimental!! Warm and fuzzy in the best way!! Janice brings something great to everything she sings, and Floyd brings something great to everything he writes!! AND together? Magic!!!! This is so catchy, pleasant, and easy to listen to! I don't listen to much new music at all but it sounded great to me! Nice job y'all!!! Take care. Greg

Greg - thanks for the great review!...

Originally Posted By: Mr_Songman
Good song guys, lyric and structure really works.
I think the track could be better though. I chunkier more vibrant backing would give it a lot more feel and would lift better in the choruses, which are great by the way.
I was expecting the first two choruses to be sung by the verse lead on each and then duet on the final choruses to fade, but that's just me I guess.
And a tiny thing but, to me, can make all the difference to a line, is in the line:
"your mystery, your magic" I just feel it would sing better if you used all three syllables of the word Mystery instead of singing it as Mistry. Draws the line out better.
These are all merely my humble opinions, and are not criticisms but options.
The song is really good. smile
Keep 'em coming.

Martin - sorry you did not care for the track. But it is just as I wanted it to sound - have to say, I don't "get" your "chunkier more vibrant" reference.

As for making "mystery" 3 syllables... I disagree from a songwriting perspective. The cadence of the line is set up by "your myst'ry" (3 beats)..."your magic" (3 beats) with a release "mesmerizes me" (5 beats)... all of which is knit together with the alliteration (of this line and the preceding one).

Thanks for your thoughts.