Hi, I am relatively new at BB, but understand the basics involved. I am working on importing a simple melody in 3/4 time with a pickup note into BB. My problem is this:

Even though I set the time signature to 3/4 time prior to import, BB is placing a lead in measure at 4/4 time that I seem to be unable to change to 3/4 time. This is causing a displacement of the notes in the song, and does not handle the position of the lead in note properly.

Why is the lead in measure forced to be at 4/4 time or is this actually the case? What I want is for the entire song to simply be at 3/4 time and for the midi file to import properly into the respective measures.

The 4/4 lead in bar seems to mess this entire process up. I have tried removing lead in options and changing the starting bar for the chorus but I seem unable to have any control over the presence of this 4/4 lead in bar. The MIDI import seems to be always off cue.

Thanks for any suggestions or help here - I do not understand why the program operates this way or obviously I am missing something basic.

Best regards, CEC


PS I have found the answer from a post here in 2010. The answer was to change to a style in 3/4 time vs one with a 4/4 time like I was in. Great! Thanks CEC

Last edited by CEC; 12/22/19 08:04 AM.