there are simple things one usually does when part of a forum community.
#1 is follow the rules of the forum
in this instance they are...
*Link to the song (it is not hosted on our site, it is hosted on your site). TICK
*Title and background information about the song.TICK
*Indicate which tracks were recorded by you, and which tracks were generated by Band-in-a-Box or RealBand.
*If Band-in-a-Box or RealBand have been used, please provide information as to which styles or RealTracks were used. (tip: In Band-in-a-Box, the Song Memo contains the names of the RealTracks used, and you can copy/paste from that.)
*List other programs used in the production (Sonar, Cubase etc.)
*Describe what effects were used in the production (reverb, auto-tune etc).
*Please limit the threads on this forum to the User Showcase postings. Off-topic threads will be moved to the off-topic forum

#2 is participate. That translates to responding to comments on your posts and listening to, as well as commenting on, the posts of others. Now, this isn't a rule and not all people on this forum fully participate - one or two have explained the circumstances relating of their inability to do these things.

#3 is don't be a FLYBY which is someone who uses the forum solely for their own benefit or to gather clicks on another site, and moves on.

#4 is pace yourself for the sake of others. My passive response to those who post and don't participate or are rapid fire thread starters, is to ignore them.

#5 is be positive with comments or critiques - this means attempting to couch crits in positive ways like offering a suggestion as to how to address a problem etc. Now, I've been guilty of offering crits & suggestions where unwanted - many people post, what is to them, completed pieces on the forum and aren't interested in making changes or addressing issues for a variety of reasons. The clue on this particular forum is to look for the invitation to comment and critique. I'm learning that slowly.

You've an album to polish? Perhaps post a song & add a link with your explanation and an invitation to pop over and comment there.

I'm relatively new to this forum and have ruffled some feathers, taken note and made adjustments.
Your stuff is good, I'd like to listen to more of it but my response to #4 stands for the moment.

"What's so funny about peace, love & understanding?" - N.Lowe