Hello Will, MarioD, Stefan, TuneMonger, Noel96, Misha and Peter,

What very nice words you all used to describe your opinion on this song! If I wasn't 65 years for some days now I would have blushed by them. So thanks a lot!

Will, I let my wife read your letter in the hope that she would now look up at me with full admiration... that didn't happen, but she expressed admiration to your words instead. I could only agree, that htey were very very nice words. Though, I am sure you wrong yourself by saying that you cannot do something similar. You're the expert!

MarioD, you used the word 'Brilliant' two times. Take care with that. I almost start believing I am. Luckily my wife hold my feet to the ground. But thanks!

Stefan, I doubt if I did the right thing dedicating this song to you, after your post. You say i haven't seen you strict, but how to explain your reaction on my lyrics then? Only red markers in it, telling me what I did wrong. I only persist in keeping the word 'Jailish' in the lyrics, where you cried out you haven't heard of that word. Me neither, but I thought everyone will understand and so new words are born ;-)
And if one becomes 65, it's not logical to connect that age to the topic in this song. So you are not only (too) strict, but also mean.

TuneMonger, you expressed it exactly as it was; A bold concept. I thought I made all kind of songs, why not try a waltz? They are nice to listen to, but very complicated to com[pose. Well you told me I succeeded. Thanks for that.

Noel, your question about me having a fan club, intrigued me. But after consulting my wife and sons I have to give up this idea. They think it's already very heavy for them that I terorize them from the atic with my music and want me to keep it like that (at the most).
So I fear I don't have enough supporters... But I was very honored with your message.

Misha, calling my song a Vaudeville on heavy steroid is some kind of expressing. Even if I had to read it 'in a good way'. I think I will use your expression as a title for a new song. Love it (although I don't understand one syllable of it). My real aim was to raise the bar with making songs. Can I make a kind of waltz. And on my terms. And I agree, in my life I always tended to find my own paths. If that is similar to stepping away from norms? Not really.

Peter, your words I do understand (more than Misha's Vaudeville [teasing you, Misha]) and are so true. That's also why I hesitated so long to come with this song (the concept was made in march 2017), how would you all respond to a waltz, that kind of things. But I'm glad I did it (with Stefans' help on the lyrics), because your responses are all so kind.


Hans Berkhout