You gave me a good laugh this morning, thank you.

I guess self doubt is always a challenge.
When I began creating my own songs a handful of people encouraged me to keep going and put my stuff out there.
That was quite a frightful idea but, I did it and just kept going.

At this point, I've written/recorded almost 200 songs.
I can't be the judge as to whether any of them are good or bad, that's for the listener to determine.
I know my style will appeal to a limited audience and I hope to keep delivering music they enjoy.
I'm always hopeful that my songs will touch somebody and I'm very grateful when somebody enjoys my work and takes the time to share a some encouraging words.

I've listened to several of your songs.
I like what your doing.
Some worthwhile messages!
Keep them coming.

So Hans,
Thanks again.

Maybe you'll like this one:


Last edited by CaptainMoto; 01/20/20 06:12 AM.