I have been using RealBand for years and starting in with the 2018 version I have had nothing but trouble with the program crashing. It seems to happen
somewhat randomly usually when loading a file and other random times. The Error is:

An exception error has occurred. You can continue to use the program, but should likely save your work and reboot program.
Invalid pointer operation.

I have turned in numerous debug reports including ones with the Microsoft debugger running. I have sent in files that did not load. I run many other programs including some other DAWS and none have given me any problem. Band-in-a-box also runs fine but I do not use that much.

I reinstalled the program. I ran in administrator mode as suggested by your technical support but that did not fix the problem and ended up crashing and corrupting the operating system so I don’t run it that way anymore.

Realband has always been a little bit buggy but was usable. This issue makes it unusable. It is currently not loading any files despite restarting the computer. It is going to be a pain if I have to change all the files I have created to another program.